Data Interfaces
Website Interfaces aims to experiment with the development of interfaces and formats for data rich scenarios by merging the competences of communication design, complex systems science, and computer science.

Data Interfaces aims to experiment with the development of interfaces and formats for data rich scenarios by merging the competences of communication design, complex systems science, and computer science.
Politecnico di Milano
Quaggiotto Marco, Cattuto Ciro, Barrat Alain, Tizzoni Michele, Gauvin Laetitia
While a data-rich scenario is quickly emerging, research on tools and methodologies to explore, represent, and communicate such wealth of information is lacking. Devices and representations able to provide an interface between data and people are needed in order to transform the raw numbers into useful knowledge and insight. This is needed in different contexts.
In research and analytical contexts the design of data exploration interfaces is needed in order to provide experts and researchers with instruments that allow to see the data in different ways, enabling exploratory overviews of otherwise overly complex datasets. Like microscopes revolutionized many scientific fields in the late 1600 allowing to see the extremely small, the development of data-imaging instru- ments can prove critical in the development of data-rich disciplines by allowing to interactively reduce complexity and help in the detection of meaningful patterns.
In communication contexts the design of tools able to harness the wealth of data in order to provide the final user with usable insight can help in the development of context-aware, personal communication. Such data-driven interfaces are needed to transform the raw data extracted from online and offline services in higher level con- tents and knowledge. The aim is that of hiding the lower level complexity in order to expose the needed information at the right time.
In this scenario, Data Interfaces aims to experiment with the development of inter- faces and formats for data-rich scenarios by merging the competences of communication design, complex systems science, and computer science.
Mixing the technical skills related to the collection and processing of large quantities of real-time data, the scientific skills necessary for its analysis and elaboration and the design skills necessary for the creation of tools and interfaces able to make it accessible by the intended user-base, Data Interfaces aims to address the open issues in the creation of tools for data exploration and communication.
Datainterfaces a collaborative laboratory that aims to experiment with the development of interfaces and formats for the communication of data-rich scenarios. The laboratory stems from the collaboration between the Data Science Laboratory at ISI Foundation and the Communication Design Research Unit at the Design Dept. of the Politecnico di Milano.
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Bayesian Stochastic Blockmodeling
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Discovering Polarized Communities in Signed Networks
Overhauling ocean spatial planning to improve marine megafauna conservation
Modelling Temporal Networks with Markov Chains, Community Structures and Change Points
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Onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks
Predicting the Role of Political Trolls in Social Media
Finding events in temporal networks: segmentation meets densest subgraph discovery
Recommending Links to Maximize the Influence in Social Networks
Quantifying Uncertainty in Online Regression Forests
Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence
Analyzing a networked social algorithm for collective selection of representative committees
Neural Epistemology in Dynamical System Learning
Network Reconstruction and Community Detection from Dynamics
Random walks in non-Poissoinan activity driven temporal networks
The interconnected wealth of nations: Shock propagation on global trade-investment multiplex networks
Explore with caution: mapping the evolution of scientific interest in Physics
The importance of unexpectedness: Discovering buzzing stories in anomalous temporal graphs
Breaking the Spell of Nestedness: The Entropic Origin of Nestedness in Mutualistic Systems
Layer degradation triggers an abrupt structural transition in multiplex networks
Coverage Centrality Maximization in Undirected Networks
Computing Multipersistence by Means of Spectral Systems
Editorial: Topological Neuroscience
Topological gene expression networks recapitulate brain anatomy and function
Topic Tomographies (TopTom): a visual approach to distill information from media streams
Reactive school closure weakens the network of social interactions and reduces the spread of influenza
Generating dynamical neuroimaging spatiotemporal representations (DyNeuSR) using topological data analysis
Distance-generalized Core Decomposition
The Responsibility Challenge for Data
The dynamics of collective social behavior in a crowd controlled game
Simplicial models of social contagion
Temporal betweenness centrality in dynamic graphs
Geometric randomization of real networks with prescribed degree sequence
Spreading of computer viruses on time-varying networks
Differences in EMG Feature Space between Able-Bodied and Amputee Subjects for Myoelectric Control
Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Prediction using Random Forests
Spectral and topological analyses of the cortical representation of the head position: Does hypnotizability matter?
Topical alignment in online social systems
Directionality reduces the impact of epidemics in multilayer networks
Recommending links through influence maximization
Correction to: Exposing the probabilistic causal structure of discrimination
Modeling Urban Traffic Data Through Graph-Based Neural Networks
Multilayer Networks in a Nutshell
The nested structural organization of the worldwide trade multi-layer network
On the predictability of infectious disease outbreaks
Report on the 12th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2018)
The structured backbone of temporal social ties
Theoretical description and experimental simulation of quantum entanglement near open time-like curves via pseudo-density operators
Distance-Based Community Search (Invited Talk Extended Abstract)
Distance-Based Community Search
Taking census of physics
Structural transition in interdependent networks with regular interconnections
Finding events in temporal networks: Segmentation meets densest-subgraph discovery
Scalable dynamic graph summarization
Simplicial Activity Driven Model
Summarizing Graphs at Multiple Scales: New Trends
A Nobel opportunity for interdisciplinarity
Resource heterogeneity leads to unjust effort distribution in climate change mitigation
Probabilistic Causal Analysis of Social Influence
Reconstructing Networks with Unknown and Heterogeneous Errors
Understanding Network Traffic States using Transfer Learning
Fundamentals of spreading processes in single and multilayer complex networks
A polynomial eigenvalue approach for multiplex networks
Diffusion Dynamics and Optimal Coupling in Multiplex Networks with Directed Layers
Are the different layers of a social network conveying the same information
Physics of humans, physics for society
Improving the Betweenness Centrality of a Node by Adding Links
Invited papers from the ACM conference on hypertext and social media
Generalized voterlike model on activity-driven networks with attractiveness
Multiplex Networks: A Framework for Studying Multiprocess Multiscale Connectivity Via Coupled‐Network Theory With an Application to River Deltas
A network approach to topic models
The contagion effects of repeated activation in social networks
Consistencies and inconsistencies between model selection and link prediction in networks
Multiplex Networks – Basic Formalism and Structural Properties
Robustness of cultural communities in an open-ended Axelrod’s model
The joint influence of competition and mutualism on the biodiversity of mutualistic ecosystems
Can co-location be used as a proxy for face-to-face contacts?
Gene expression signature of obesity in monozygotic twins
Intergenerational cooperation within the household: a Public Good game with three generations
Sparse Power-Law Network Model for Reliable Statistical Predictions Based on Sampled Data
Uncertain Graph Sparsification
Data-driven model for the assessment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in evolving demographic structures
Conditional Reliability in Uncertain Graphs
A networked voting rule for democratic representation
Quantum Physics and Time from Inconsistent Marginals
Epidemic Threshold in Continuous-Time Evolving Networks
Influence Maximization in Online Social Networks
Effect of risk perception on epidemic spreading in temporal networks
Nonparametric weighted stochastic block models
Navigating features: a topologically informed chart of electromyographic features space
Selecting Nodes and Buying Links to Maximize the Information Diffusion in a Network
Diluted banded random matrices: scaling behavior of eigenfunction and spectral properties
Weighted random-geometric and random-rectangular graphs: spectral and eigenfunction properties of the adjacency matrix
Weighted random–geometric and random–rectangular graphs: Spectral and eigenfunction properties of the adjacency matrix
Modeling mechanical control of spindle orientation of intestinal crypt stem cells
Vaccination and epidemics in networked populations—An introduction
Vaccination and epidemics in networked populations —An introduction
Resting-State fMRI Functional Connectivity: Big Data Preprocessing Pipelines and Topological Data Analysis
Construction of and efficient sampling from the simplicial configuration model
Estimating the epidemic risk using non-uniformly sampled contact data
The shape of collaborations
Dependence of exponents on text length versus finite-size scaling for word-frequency distributions
A general Markov chain approach for disease and rumour spreading in complex networks
Revenue Maximization in Incentivized Social Advertising
Analysis of big data in gait biomechanics: current trends and future direction
Analysis of Big Data in Gait Biomechanics: Current Trends and Future Directions
Significance and popularity in music production
Scaling Properties of Multilayer Random Networks
Evolutionary dynamics of N-person Hawk-Dove games
Universal features of amorphous plasticity
Integrative analysis of pathway deregulation in obesity
Waves of novelties in the expansion into the adjacent possible
Topological analysis of data
On degree–degree correlations in multilayer networks
Asymptotic theory of time varying networks with burstiness and heterogeneous activation patterns
Assessing the use of mobile phone data to describe recurrent mobility patterns in spatial epidemic models
Opinion Dynamics: Models, Extensions and External Effects
Spin Network Quantum Circuits
Direct Observation of Percolation in the Yielding Transition of Colloidal Glasses
Secure Centrality Computation Over Multiple Networks
Giovani che non studiano e non lavorano: un ritratto inedito che integra dati di indagine e social media data
Irreversibility transition of colloidal polycrystals under cyclic deformation
Querying Intimate-Core Groups in Weighted Graphs
Onymity promotes cooperation in social dilemma experiments
A multilayer perspective for the analysis of urban transportation systems
Human mobility networks and persistence of rapidly mutating pathogens
Collective coordinate models of domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized systems under the spin hall effect and longitudinal fields
Heterogeneous resource allocation can change social hierarchy in public goods games
Search strategies of Wikipedia readers
Disease Localization in Multilayer Networks
The regularity game: Investigating linguistic rule dynamics in a population of interacting agents
Emergence of consensus as a modular-to-nested transition in communication dynamics
Topological Field Theory of Data: Mining Data Beyond Complex Networks
Nonparametric Bayesian inference of the microcanonical stochastic block model
The ‘Life Machine’: A Quantum Metaphor for Living Matter
From degree-correlated to payoff-correlated activity for an optimal resolution of social dilemmas
Efficient Methods for Influence-Based Network-Oblivious Community Detection
Characterization of multiple topological scales in multiplex networks through supra-Laplacian eigengaps
Epidemic spreading in random rectangular networks
Lévy random walks on multiplex networks
Recalibrating disease parameters for increasing realism in modeling epidemics in closed settings
Insights into Brain Architectures from the Homological Scaffolds of Functional Connectivity Networks
The effect of Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction on field-driven domain wall dynamics analysed by a semi-analytical approach
Identifying Buzzing Stories via Anomalous Temporal Subgraph Discovery
Percolation on trees as a Brownian excursion: From Gaussian to Kolmogorov-Smirnov to exponential statistics
Bursts of activity in collective cell migration
Exploring the evolution of pathogens organised in discrete antigenic clusters
Fluctuations in Protein Aggregation: Design of Preclinical Screening for Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disease
Network Structure, Metadata, and the Prediction of Missing Nodes and Annotations
Exact Derivation of a Finite-Size Scaling Law and Corrections to Scaling in the Geometric Galton-Watson Process
At the Crossroads: Lessons and Challenges in Computational Social Science
Risk of MERS importation and onward transmission: a systematic review and analysis of cases reported to WHO
Quantitative Scaling of Magnetic Avalanches
Algorithmic bias: from discrimination discovery to fairness-aware data mining
Humans display a reduced set of consistent behavioral phenotypes in dyadic games
Glassy features of crystal plasticity
Impact of spatially constrained sampling of temporal contact networks on the evaluation of the epidemic risk
Fast and accurate dynamic estimation of field effectiveness of meningococcal vaccines
Spheres of Influence for More Effective Viral Marketing
How to Estimate Epidemic Risk from Incomplete Contact Diaries Data?
Quantifying spatiotemporal heterogeneity of MERS-CoV transmission in the Middle East region: A combined modelling approach
Persistent homology analysis of phase transitions
Dynamics on Expanding Spaces: Modeling the Emergence of Novelties
Large Scale Engagement Through Web-Gaming and Social Computations
Effects of network structure, competition and memory time on social spreading phenomena
Combinatorial presentation of multidimensional persistent homology
Creep turns linear in narrow ferromagnetic nanostrips
Biophysical processes in fibrosis: Comment on: “Towards a unified approach in the modeling of fibrosis: A review with research perspectives” by Carlo Bianca and Martine Ben Amar
Epidemic risk from friendship network data: an equivalence with a non-uniform sampling of contact networks
Centrality Measures on Big Graphs: Exact, Approximated, and Distributed Algorithms
Analytical Modeling of Domain Wall Motion in PMA Materials under Spin Hall Effect and in-Plane Fields
On the Emergence of Syntactic Structures: Quantifying and Modeling Duality of Patterning
Local magnetic behavior across the first order phase transition in La(Fe0.9Co0.015Si0.085)13 magneto caloric compound
On the impact of masking and blocking hypotheses for measuring the efficacy of new tuberculosis vaccines.
Multilayer Networks: Metrics and Spectral Properties
Individual privacy in social influence networks
Crossover behavior in interface depinning
Temperature-Dependent Adhesion of Graphene Suspended on a Trench
Analytical Modelling of Magnetic DW Motion
Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative
Local Optimization Strategies in Urban Vehicular Mobility
The Nori-Hilbert scheme is not smooth for 2-Calabi-Yau algebras
Quantum Physics, Topology, Formal Languages, Computation: A Categorical View as Homage to David Hilbert
Deformation and failure of curved colloidal crystal shells
The adoption of linguistic rules in native and non-native speakers: Evidence from a Wug task
Fracture Size Effects in Nanoscale Materials: The Case of Graphene
Role of the Number of Microtubules in Chromosome Segregation during Cell Division
The role of pressure in cancer growth
The Topological Field Theory of Data: a program towards a novel strategy for data mining through data language
Overshoot during phenotypic switching of cancer cell populations
Router-level community structure of the Internet Autonomous Systems
Volume Changes During Active Shape Fluctuations in Cells
Navigation Strategies of Motor Proteins on Decorated Tracks
Structure of triadic relations in multiplex networks
Congestion Transition in Air Traffic Networks
Unveiling patterns of international communities in a global city using mobile phone data
Non locality, Topology, Formal Languages: New Global Tools to Handle Large Data Sets
Social network dynamics of face-to-face interactions
Optimal Learning Paths in Information Networks
Thermal effects on transverse domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanowires
The Role of the Organization Structure in the Diffusion of Innovations
Quantum Simulation of Helium Hydride Cation in a Solid-State Spin Register
Modeling the Emergence of Contact Languages
Vortex dynamics in Co-Fe-B magnetic tunnel junctions in presence of defects
Osmotic stress affects functional properties of human melanoma cell lines
Scalar model for frictional precursors dynamics
MS/MS Spectra Interpretation as a Statistical–Mechanics Problem
Wrinkle motifs in thin films
Predicting epidemic risk from past temporal contact data
Dynamic instability of cooperation due to diverse activity patterns in evolutionary social dilemmas
Universality classes and crossover scaling of Barkhausen noise in thin films
Influence of material defects on current-driven vortex domain wall mobility
Avalanches, loading and finite size effects in 2D amorphous plasticity: results from a finite element model
Reputation drives cooperative behaviour and network formation in human groups
Hamiltonian gadgets with reduced resource requirements
General three-state model with biased population replacement: Analytical solution and application to language dynamics
Homological scaffolds of brain functional networks
Solving search problems by strongly simulating quantum circuits
Quantum Transport Enhancement by Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking
Homological scaffolds of brain functional networks
Community Detection in Quantum Complex Networks
Dynamics of Interacting Diseases
Statistical properties of Barkhausen noise in amorphous ferromagnetic films
Role of centrality for the identification of influential spreaders in complex networks
Fracture Strength: Stress Concentration, Extreme Value Statistics, and the Fate of the Weibull Distribution
Temporal stability of network partitions
Internal and External Dynamics in Language: Evidence from Verb Regularity in a Historical Corpus of English
The dynamics of correlated novelties
jHoles: A Tool for Understanding Biological Complex Networks via Clique Weight Rank Persistent Homology
Local and regional spread of Chinkungunya fever in the Americas
Conformational Mechanism for the Stability of Microtubule-Kinetochore Attachments
Transition from reciprocal cooperation to persistent behaviour in social dilemmas at the end of adolescence
On the Use of Human Mobility Proxies for Modeling Epidemics
Assessing the Bias in Samples of Large Online Networks
Topology driven modeling: the IS metaphor
Where do bosons actually belong?
Current-driven domain wall mobility in polycrystalline Permalloy nanowires: A numerical study
Assessment of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epidemic in the Middle East and risk of international spread using a novel maximum likelihood analysis approach
Entangled communities and spatial synchronization lead to criticality in urban traffic
Quantum Physics, Topology, Formal Languages, Computation: A Categorical View as Homage to David Hilbert
Protein accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum as a non-equilibrium phase transition
Understanding how both the partitions of a bipartite network affect its one-mode projection
High-fidelity spin entanglement using optimal control
Tensor Networks for Entanglement Evolution
Quality functions in community detection
Benchmark for testing community detection algorithms on directed and weighted graphs with overlapping communities
Entanglement-induced invariance in bilinear interactions
XTribe: A web-based social computation platform
Dynamical correlations in the escape strategy of Influenza A virus
Human breast and melanoma cancer stem cells biomarkers
Cohesion, consensus and extreme information in opinion dynamics
Metapopulation epidemic models with heterogeneous mixing and travel behaviour
Mathematical formulation of multi-layer networks
Data reliability in complex directed networks
Contact-based social contagion in multiplex networks
Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling
A numerical approach to incorporate intrinsic material defects in micromagnetic simulations
Gender differences in cooperation: experimental evidence on high school students
Effectiveness of 2012-2013 influenza vaccine against influenza-like-illness in general population: estimation in a French web-based cohort
Towards the characterization of individual users through Web analytics
Awareness and Learning in Participatory Noise Sensing
Avalanche localization and crossover scaling in amorphous plasticity
Explosive percolation in scale-free networks
Detecting the overlapping and hierarchical community structure in complex networks
Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics and topology
On local estimations of PageRank: a mean field approach
Human mobility and time spent at destination: impact on spatial epidemic spread
Renormalization flows in complex networks
Entanglement in neutrino oscillations
Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis
Glass transition and random walks on complex energy landscapes
Natural Number and Quantum States in Fock Space
Braiding and Entanglement in Spin Networks: a combinatorial approach to topological phases
Thermal states of the Kitaev honeycomb model: a Bures metric analysis
Direct coupling analysis of residue co-evolution captures native contacts across many protein families
Entanglement-induced invariance in bilinear interactions
Fidelity approach to the disordered quantum XY model
Separability and ground state factorization in quantum spin systems
Optimal estimation of losses at the ultimate quantum limit with non-Gaussian states
The Nature Description in Quantum Field Theory: Open Problems and Epistemological Perspective
Enhancement of parameter estimation by Kerr interaction
Unconventional quantum phases in lattice bosonic mixtures
Activity statistics of a forced elastic string in a disordered medium
What’s in a Session: Tracking Individual Behavior on the Web
Remembering what we like: Toward an agent-based model of Web traffic
Long-distance entanglement and quantum teleportation in coupled cavity arrays
Experimental Quantum Private Queries with linear optics
Nongaussianity and purity in finite dimension
Statistical physics of social dynamics
Braiding and Entanglement in Spin Networks: a combinatorial approach to topological phases
Statistical properties of inter-arrival times distribution in social tagging systems
Size effects in statistical fracture
Consensus and ordering in language dynamics
Universal subleading terms in ground-state fidelity from boundary conformal field theory
Visualization of avalanches in magnetic thin films: temporal processing
Hysteresis and noise in ferromagnetic materials with parallel domain walls
Remarks on the structure of Clifford quantum cellular automata
Classification and sparse-signature extraction from gene-expression data
Suppression of friction by mechanical vibration
Optimization and Plasticity in Disordered Media
On the discrimination between classical and quantum states
Effective cutting of a quantum spin chain by bond impurities
Bootstrapping under constraint for the assessment of group behavior in human contact networks
Statistical physics of language dynamics
Laminar Flow of a Sheared Vortex Crystal: Scars in Flat Geometry
Aging in language dynamics
On the accuracy of language trees
Analysis of the equilibrium and kinetics of the ankyrin repeat protein myotrophin
Information filtering in weighted complex networks
Decoherence of Gaussian and Nongaussian photon-number
Size effects in dislocation depinning models for plastic yield
Brownian motor in a granular medium
How Citation Boosts Promote Scientific Paradigm Shifts and Nobel Prizes
Complex networks and glassy dynamics: walks in the energy landscape
Geometry of perturbed Gaussian states and quantum estimation
Modeling temporal network using random itineraries
Universality beyond power laws and the average avalanche shape
Finding Statistically Significant Communities in Networks
Excitation transfer through open quantum networks: Three basic mechanisms
Nonperturbative heterogeneous mean-field approach to epidemic spreading in complex networks
In silico Linguistics. Comment on Modeling the cultural evolution of language by Luc Steels
Limits of modularity maximization in community detection
Quantum discord and classical correlations in the bond-charge Hubbard model: Quantum phase transitions, off-diagonal long-range order, and violation of the monogamy property for discord
Coevolutionary network approach to cultural dynamics controlled by intolerance
Categorical Tensor Network States
Dielectric Breakdown and Avalanches at Nonequilibrium Metal-Insulator Transitions
Reply on Comment on Role of initial entanglement and non-Gaussianity in the decoherence of photon-number entangled states evolving in a noisy channel
A fast no-rejection algorithm for the Category Game
Optimal estimation of entanglement in optical qubit systems
Dynamical patterns of cattle trade movements
Tensor Network Methods for Invariant Theory
Barkhausen instabilities from labyrinthine magnetic domains
Thermally activated domain wall dynamics in a disordered magnetic nanostrip
Dynamic Instability of a Growing Adsorbed Polymorphic Filament
Avalanche spatial structure and multivariable scaling functions: Sizes, heights, widths, and views through windows
Degree Distribution in Quantum Walks on Complex Networks
Role of the sample thickness in planar crack propagation
Diffusion dynamics with changing network composition
Digital Epidemiology
A new family of algebras whose representation schemes are smooth
Universal properties of magnetization dynamics in polycrystalline ferromagnetic films
Dynamically correlated mutations drive human Influenza A evolution
Exact infinite-time statistics of the Loschmidt echo for a quantum quench
Evaluating the Feasibility and Participants’ Representativeness of an Online Nationwide Surveillance System for Influenza in France
Topological strata of weighted complex networks
An analytical continuation approach for evaluating emission lineshapes of molecular aggregates and the adequacy of multichromophoric Förster theory
From Damage Percolation to Crack Nucleation Through Finite Size Criticality
Emergent patterns of localized damage as a precursor to catastrophic failure in a random fuse network
Age-specific contacts and travel patterns in the spatial spread of 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Emergence of fast agreement in an overhearing population: The case of the naming game
Modeling friction: from nano to meso scales
Spectral problem for quasi-uniform nearest-neighbor chains
Evolutionary dynamics of group interactions on structured populations – A review
The role of disorder in the domain wall dynamics of magnetic nanostrips
Opinion Dynamics with disagreement and modulated information
Growth and form of melanoma cell colonies
Exploring complex networks by means of adaptive walkers
RNA-Seq vs Dual- and Single-Channel Microarray Data: Sensitivity Analysis for Differential Expression and Clustering
Challenges in Complex Systems Science
World citation and collaboration networks: uncovering the role of geography in science
Quasi-periodic events in crystal plasticity and the self-organized avalanche oscillator
Effect of disorder on transverse domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanostrips
Physics peeks into the ballot box
A stochastic local search approach to language trees reconstruction
Current challenges for statistical physics in fracture and plasticity
Emergence of Influential Spreaders in Modified Rumor Models
Phylogenetic Properties of RNA Viruses
Peierls Distortion and Quantum Solitons
Rapid assessment of influenza vaccine effectiveness: analysis of an internet-based cohort
Ground-state spin logic
Undecidability in tensor network states
Stationary Growth and Unique Invariant Harmonic Measure of Cylindrical Diffusion Limited Aggregation
Triggering Frictional Slip by Mechanical Vibrations
Heterogeneous length of stay of hosts’ movements and spatial epidemic spread
Optimizing surveillance for livestock disease spreading through animal movements
Naming a Structured World: A Cultural Route to Duality of Patterning
Do cancer cells undergo phenotypic switching? The case for imperfect cancer stem cell markers
Complex structures and semantics in free word association
Language Dynamics
Random walks on temporal networks
On the origin of the hierarchy of color names
Consensus clustering in complex networks
Human behavior in Prisoner’s Dilemma experiments suppresses network reciprocity
Why are basic color names basic?
Fisica generale. Meccanica
Fracture Strength of Disordered Media: Universality, Interactions, and Tail Asymptotics
Senescent cells in growing tumors: Population dynamics and cancer stem cells
Bipartite quantum states and random complex networks
Decimation of fast states and and weak nodes: topological variation through persistent homology
Entanglement distillation from quasifree Fermions
Singularities in ion trap nonlinear coherent states
Networks and cycles: a persistent homology approach to complex networks
Algebraically contractible topological tensor network states
Exploring the Roles of Complex Networks in Linguistic Categorization
Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: The Spanish May 15th Movement as a Case Study
Modeling Abnormal Priming in Alzheimer’s Patients with a Free Association Network
Blind separation of manufacturing variability with independent component analysis: A convolutive approach
Linguistics in Sylicon
Internet-based monitoring system for infuenza-like illness: H1N1 surveillance in Italy
A discrete model of water with two distinct glassy phases
Transition to chaos of coupled oscillators: an operator fidelity susceptibility study
From brittle to ductile fracture in disordered materials
Tripartite quantum state mapping and discontinuous entanglement transfer in a cavity QED open system
Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with broken reflection symmetry
Single aminoacidic mutations in meningococcal antigen fHbp have sizeable and predictable impact on its immunogenicity
Local quenches in frustrated quantum spin chains: Global versus subsystem equilibration
The role of initial entanglement and nonGaussianity in the decoherence of photon number entangled states evolving in a noisy channel
Fluctuations and scaling in creep deformation
Characterizing the community structure of complex networks
Combinatorial approach to modularity
Fracture roughness in three-dimensional beam lattice systems
Nonclassical correlations in non-Markovian continuous-variable systems
A fast noise reduction driven distance-based phylogenetic algorithm
Inference of sparse combinatorial-control networks from gene-expression data: a message passing approach
Dynamical correlations near dislocation jamming
Information geometry of Gaussian channels
Stochastic Local Search algorithm for distance-based phylogeny reconstruction
Equivalence between XY and dimerized models
Friendship, collaboration and semantics in Flickr: from social interaction to semantic similarity
Avalanches and clusters in planar crack front propagation
Statistical significance of communities in networks
Microscopic description of 2D topological phases, duality and 3D state sums
Explosive percolation: A numerical analysis
Universality in the equilibration of quantum systems after a small quench
Dynamical and bursty interactions in social networks
Experimental Estimation of Entanglement at the Quantum Limit
Inference of direct residue contacts in two-component signaling
Computational modeling of phosphotransfer complexes in two-component signaling
Long-distance entanglement in many-body atomic and optical systems
Aligning graphs and finding substructures by message passing
The algebra of Grassmann canonical anticommutation relations and its applications to fermionic systems
Realistic continuous-variable quantum teleportation with non-Gaussian resources
Time Asymptotics and Entanglement Generation of Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata
Quantum chaos and operator fidelity metric
Modeling the emergence of universality in color naming patterns
Distance-based Phylogenetic algorithms: new insights and applications
Effect of Dipolar Interactions for Domain-Wall Dynamics in Magnetic Thin Films
Quantum communication with photon-number entangled states and realistic photodetection
Modeling Domain Wall Dynamics in Thin Magnetic Strips With Disorder
Onset of frictional slip by domain nucleation in adsorbed monolayers
Mathematical modeling of language games
Theoretical Tools in Modeling Communication and Language Dynamics
Modeling the Formation of Language: Conclusions and Future Research
The discrimination problem for two ground states or two thermal states of the quantum Ising model
Scaling of the fidelity susceptibility in a disordered quantum spin chain
Fidelity in topological quantum phases of matter
Probing spermiogenesis: a digital strategy for mouse acrosome classification
A multiscale modeling framework for Scenario Modeling: Characterizing the heterogeneity of the COVID-19 epidemic in the US
A Dataset to Assess Microsoft Copilot Answers in the Context of Swiss, Bavarian and Hessian Elections
The social stratification of internal migration and daily mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic
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