Daniela Paolotti
Senior Research Scientist
Senior Research Scientist
Fields Of StudyComputational and Digital Epidemiology, Data Science for Social Impact
Daniela Paolotti is a Senior Research Scientist at ISI Foundation, in Turin, Italy. She is part of the Data Science for Social Impact Research Area. She has a background in Physics (Bsc, MSc, Ph.D.). Her work has a strong interdisciplinary approach. For more than ten years, she has been working on applying tools from complex systems and networks science, applied mathematics, computer science, data science, behavioral sciences to study disease spreading from an epidemiological as well as social point of view. Since 2008, Daniela has been developing and coordinating a Europe-wide network of Web-based platforms for participatory surveillance of Influenza-like Illness.
A statistical modelling approach for determining the cause of reported respiratory syndromes from internet-based participatory surveillance when influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 are co-circulating
Scott A. McDonald, Albert Jan van Hoek, Daniela Paolotti, Mariette Hooiveld, Adam Meijer, Marit de Lange, , Arianne van Gageldonk-Lafeber, Jacco Wallinga
PLOS Digital Health3(12), e0000655 (2024)
Modeling the interplay between disease spread, behaviors, and disease perception with a data-driven approach
Alessandro De Gaetano, Alain Barrat, Daniela Paolotti
Mathematical Biosciences378, 109337 (2024)
Integrated environmental and clinical surveillance for the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in indoor environments and vulnerable communities (Stell-ARI): Protocol
Annalaura Carducci, Guglielmo Arzilli, Nebiyu Tariku Atomsa, Giulia Lauretani, Marco Verani, Francesco Pistelli, Lara Tavoschi, Ileana Federigi, Marco Fornili, Davide Petri, Tommaso Lomonaco, Claudia Meschi, Alessandra Pagani, Antonello Agostini, Laura Carrozzi, Laura Baglietto, Daniela Paolotti, Ciro Cattuto, Lorenzo Dall'Amico, Caterina Rizzo
PLoS ONE19(9), e0309111 (2024)
Research ethics and artificial intelligence for global health: perspectives from the global forum on bioethics in research
James Shaw, Joseph Ali, Caesar A. Atuire, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Armando Guio Español, Judy Wawira Gichoya, Adrienne Hunt, Daudi Jjingo, Katherine Littler, Daniela Paolotti, Effy Vayena
BMC Medical Ethics25, 46 (2024)
Political context of the European vaccine debate on Twitter
Giordano Paoletti, Lorenzo Dall'Amico, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Jacopo Lenti, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Starnini, Michele Tizzani
Scientific Reports 14, 4397 (2024)
Towards a global impact-based forecasting model for tropical cyclones
Mersedeh Kooshki Forooshani, Marc van den Homberg, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Yelena Mejova, Leonardo Milano, Pauline Ndirangu, Daniela Paolotti, Aklilu Teklesadik, Monica L. Turner
Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences24(1), 309–329 (2024)
Reflections On Epidemiological Modeling To Inform Policy During The COVID-19 Pandemic In Western Europe, 2020–23
Mark Jit, Kylie Ainslie, Christian Althaus, Constantino Caetano, Vittoria Colizza, Daniela Paolotti, Philippe Beutels, Lander Willem, John W. Edmunds, Baltazar Nunes, Sònia Namorado, Christel Faes, Nicola Low, Jacco Wallinga, Niel Hens
Health Affairs42, 12, (2023)
Behavioral Changes Associated With COVID-19 Vaccination: Cross-National Online Survey
Alessandro De Gaetano, Paolo Bajardi, Nicolò Gozzi, Nicola Perra, Daniela Perrotta, Daniela Paolotti
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)25, e47563 (2023)
Impact of food-related conflicts on self-reported food insecurity
Stefania Fiandrino, Caitriona Dowd, Giulia Martini, Yelena Mejova, Elisa Omodei , Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzani
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems7, 1239992 (2023)
From Ukraine to the World: Using LinkedIn Data to Monitor Professional Migration from Ukraine
Margherita Bertè, Daniela Paolotti, Kyriaki Kalimeri
GoodIT '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good 213–222 (2023)
Enabling Multicentric Participatory Disease Surveillance for Global Health Enhancement: Viewpoint on Global Flu View
Onicio Leal Neto, Daniela Paolotti, Craig Dalton, Sandra Carlson, Patipat Susumpow, Matt Parker, Polowat Phetra, Eric H Y Lau, Vittoria Colizza, Albert Jan van Hoek, Charlotte Kjelsø, John S. Brownstein, Marc S. Smolinski
JMIR Public Health Surveillance9, e46644 (2023)
Echo Chambers of Vaccination Hesitancy Discussion on Social Media during COVID-19 Pandemic
Yelena Mejova, Giuseppe Crupi, Jacopo Lenti, Michele Tizzani, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Daniela Paolotti, André Panisson
Proceedings: XX ISA World Congress of Sociology - Melbourne, Australia June 25-July 1, 2023224.3, (2023)
Global Misinformation Spillovers in the Vaccination Debate Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multilingual Twitter Study
Jacopo Lenti, Yelena Mejova, Kyriaki Kalimeri, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzani, Michele Starnini
JMIR Infodemiology3:e44714, (2023)
Impact of tiered measures on social contact and mixing patterns of in Italy during the second wave of COVID-19
Michele Tizzani, Alessandro De Gaetano, Christopher I. Jarvis, Amy Gimma, Kerry Wong, John W. Edmunds, Philippe Beutels, Niel Hens, Pietro Coletti, Daniela Paolotti
BMC Public Health23, 906 (2023)
Monitoring Gender Gaps via LinkedIn Advertising Estimates: the case study of Italy
Margherita Bertè, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Daniela Paolotti
WebSci '23: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 229–238 (2023)
Participatory Surveillance for COVID-19 Trend Detection in Brazil: Cross-sectional Study
Salome Wittwer, Daniela Paolotti, Guilherme Lichand, Onicio Leal Neto
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance9, e44517 (2023)
Attitudes towards booster, testing and isolation, and their impact on COVID-19 response in winter 2022/2023 in France, Belgium, and Italy: a cross-sectional survey and modelling study
Giulia de Meijere, Eugenio Valdano, Claudio Castellano, Marion Debin, Charly Kengne-Kuetche, Clément Turbelin, Harold Noël, Joshua S. Weitz, Daniela Paolotti, Lisa Hermans, Niel Hens, Vittoria Colizza
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe28, 100614 (2023)
On the forecastability of food insecurity
Pietro Foini, Michele Tizzoni, Giulia Martini, Daniela Paolotti, Elisa Omodei
Scientific Reports13, 2793 (2023)
Strengths and limitations of relative wealth indices derived from big data in Indonesia
Daniele Sartirano, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Ciro Cattuto, Enrique Delamónica, Manuel Garcia-Herranz, Anthony Mockler, Daniela Paolotti, Rossano Schifanella
Frontiers in Big Data6, 1054156 (2023)
Psychotropic drug purchases during the COVID‑19 pandemic in Italy and their relationship with mobility restrictions
Francesca Marazzi, Andrea Piano Mortari, Federico Belotti, Giuseppe Carrà, Ciro Cattuto, Joanna Kopinska, Daniela Paolotti, Vincenzo Atella
Scientific Reports12, 19336 (2022)
Comparing Sources of Mobility for Modelling the Epidemic Spread of Zika Virus in Colombia
Daniela Perrotta, Enrique Frias-Martinez, Ana Pastore Y Piontti, Qian Zhang, Miguel Luengo-Oroz, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Alessandro Vespignani
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases16(7), e0010565 (2022)
Echoes through Time: Evolution of the Italian COVID-19 Vaccination Debate
Giuseppe Crupi, Yelena Mejova, Michele Tizzani, Daniela Paolotti, André Panisson
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media16(1), 102-113 (2022)
Measuring user engagement with low credibility media sources in a controversial online debate
Salvatore Vilella, Alfonso Semeraro, Daniela Paolotti, Giancarlo Ruffo
EPJ Data Science11(29), (2022)
Staying Strong, But For How Long? Mental Health During COVID-19 in Italy
Francesca Marazzi, Andrea Piano Mortari, Federico Belotti, Giuseppe Carrà, Ciro Cattuto, Joanna Kopinska, Daniela Paolotti, Vincenzo Atella
CEIS - Research Papers20(4), 541 (2022)
Complex Systems for the Most Vulnerable
Elisa Omodei , Manuel Garcia-Herranz, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni
Journal of Physics: Complexity3(2), (2022)
Are People Optimistically Biased about the Risk of COVID-19 infection? Lessons from the first wave of the pandemic in Europe
Kathleen McColl, Marion Debin, Cecile Souty, Caroline Guerrisi, Clément Turbelin, Alessandra Falchi, Isabelle Bonmarin, Daniela Paolotti, Chinelo Obi, Jim Duggan, Yamir Moreno, Ania Wisniak, Antoine Flahault, Thierry Blanchon, Vittoria Colizza, Jocelyn Raude
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19 (1), 436 (2021)
Integrating digital and field surveillance as complementary efforts to manage epidemic diseases of livestock: African swine fever as a case study
Michele Tizzani, Violeta Muñoz-Gómez, Marco De Nardi, Daniela Paolotti, Olga Muñoz, Piera Ceschi, Arvo Viltrop, Ilaria Capua
PLoS ONE16(12), e0252972 (2021)
Systemic liquidity contagion in the European interbank market
Valentina Macchiati, Giuseppe Brandi, Tiziana Di Matteo, Daniela Paolotti, Guido Caldarelli, Giulio Cimini
Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination17, 443–474 (2021)
Using wearable proximity sensors to characterize social contact patterns in a village of rural Malawi
Laura Ozella, Daniela Paolotti, Guilherme Lichand, Jorge P. Rodríguez, Simon Haenni, John Phuka, Onicio Leal Neto, Ciro Cattuto
EPJ Data Science10, 46 (2021)
Self-initiated behavioral change and disease resurgence on activity-driven networks
Nicolò Gozzi, Martina Scudeler, Daniela Paolotti, Andrea Baronchelli, Nicola Perra
Physical Review E104, 014307 (2021)
Developing Real Estate Automated Valuation Models by Learning from Heterogeneous Data Sources
Francesco Bergadano, Roberto Bertilone, Daniela Paolotti, Giancarlo Ruffo
International Journal of Real Estate Studies (INTREST)15(1), 72–85 (2021)
Risk factors associated with the incidence of self-reported COVID-19-like illness: data from a web-based syndromic surveillance system in the Netherlands
Scott A. McDonald, Cees C. van den Wijngaard, Cornelia C. H. Wielders, Ingrid H. M. Friesema, Loes Soetens, Daniela Paolotti, Susan van den Hof, Albert Jan van Hoek
Epidemiology & Infection149, e129, 1-7 (2021)
Prediction of new scientific collaborations through multiplex networks
Marta Tuninetti, Alberto Aleta, Daniela Paolotti, Yamir Moreno, Michele Starnini
EPJ Data Science10, 25 (2021)
Clandestino or Rifugiato? Anti-immigration Facebook Ad Targeting in Italy
Arthur Capozzi, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Yelena Mejova, Corrado Monti, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti
CHI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems179, 1-15 (2021)
Detecting adherence to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule from user-generated content in a US parenting forum
Lorenzo Betti, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Laetitia Gauvin, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Starnini
PLoS Computational Biology17(4), e1008919 (2021)
Developing Annotated Resources for Internal Displacement Monitoring
Fabio Poletto, Yunbai Zhang, André Panisson, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Sylvain Ponserre
WWW '21: Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 136–144 (2021)
Combining Wearable Devices and Mobile Surveys to Study Child and Youth Development in Malawi: Implementation Study of a Multimodal Approach
Onicio Leal Neto, Simon Haenni, John Phuka, Laura Ozella, Daniela Paolotti, Ciro Cattuto, Daniel Robles, Guilherme Lichand
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance7(3), e23154 (2021)
Link prediction in multiplex networks via triadic closure
Alberto Aleta, Marta Tuninetti, Daniela Paolotti, Yamir Moreno, Michele Starnini
Physical Review Research2(4), 042029(R) (2020)
Immigration as a Divisive Topic: Clusters and Content Diffusion in the Italian Twitter Debate
Salvatore Vilella, Mirko Lai, Daniela Paolotti, Giancarlo Ruffo
Future Internet12 (10), 173, (2020)
Collective Response to Media Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Reddit and Wikipedia: Mixed-Methods Analysis
Nicolò Gozzi, Michele Tizzani, Michele Starnini, Fabio Ciulla, Daniela Paolotti, André Panisson, Nicola Perra
Journal of Medical Internet Research22(10), e21597 (2020)
Facebook Ads: Politics of Migration in Italy
Arthur Capozzi, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Yelena Mejova, Corrado Monti, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti
Proceeding SocInfo 2020: Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series12467, 43-57 (2020)
Young Adult Unemployment Through the Lens of Social Media: Italy as a Case Study
Alessandra Urbinati, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Andrea Bonanomi, Alessandro Rosina, Ciro Cattuto, Daniela Paolotti
Proceeding SocInfo 2020: Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series12467, 380-396 (2020)
A computational framework for modeling and studying pertussis epidemiology and vaccination
Paolo Castagno, Simone Pernice, Gianni Ghetti, Massimiliano Povero, Lorenzo Prandelli, Daniela Paolotti, Gianfranco Balbo, Matteo Sereno, Marco Beccuti
BMC Bioinformatics21(8), 344 (2020)
Grippenet: A New Tool for the Monitoring, Risk-Factor and Vaccination Coverage Analysis of Influenza-Like Illness in Switzerland
Aude Richard, Laura Müller, Ania Wisniak, Amaury Thiabaud, Thibaut Merle, Damien Dietrich, Daniela Paolotti, Emilien Jeannot, Antoine Flahault
Vaccines8(3), 343 (2020)
Falling into the Echo Chamber: The Italian Vaccination Debate on Twitter
Alessandro Cossard, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Starnini
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media14(1), 130-140 (2020)
Spatial heterogeneity and socioeconomic determinants of opioid prescribing in England between 2015 and 2018
Rossano Schifanella, Dario Delle Vedove, Alberto Salomone, Paolo Bajardi, Daniela Paolotti
BMC Medicine18, 127 (2020)
Towards a data-driven characterization of behavioral changes induced by the seasonal flu
Nicolò Gozzi, Daniela Perrotta, Daniela Paolotti, Nicola Perra
PLoS Computational Biology16(5), e1007879 (2020)
News and the city: understanding online press consumption patterns through mobile data
Salvatore Vilella, Daniela Paolotti, Giancarlo Ruffo, Leonardo Adrian Ferres
EPJ Data Science9, 10 (2020)
The impact of news exposure on collective attention in the United States during the 2016 Zika epidemic
Michele Tizzoni, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti, Ciro Cattuto
PloS Computational Biology16(3), e1007633 (2020)
Reports of the Workshops Held at the 2019 International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Eshwar Chandrasekharan, Rumi Chunara, Sofia Gil-Clavel, Aniko Hannak, Roberto Interdonato, Kenneth Joseph, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Momin M. Malik, Katja Mayer, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Emilio Zagheni
AI Magazine40 (4), 78-82 (2019)
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Flu-related Drugs Uptake in an Online Cohort in England
Daniela Perrotta, Dario Delle Vedove, Chinelo Obi, Richard Pebody, Rossano Schifanella, Daniela Paolotti
DPH2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Public Health 111-118 (2019)
Digital Health Innovation: From Proof of Concept to Public Value
Daniela Paolotti, Umair Shah, Michael Edelstein, Onicio Leal Neto, Patricie Kostkova, Caroline Wood
DPH2019: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Public Health 5 (2019)
Participatory Disease Surveillance Systems: Ethical Framework
Lester Darryl Geneviève, Andrea Martani, Tenzin Wangmo, Daniela Paolotti, Carl Koppeschaar, Charlotte Kjelsø, Caroline Guerrisi, Marco Hirsch, Olivia Woolley-Meza, Paul Lukowicz, Antoine Flahault, Bernice Simone Elger
Journal of Medical Internet Research21(5), e12273 (2019)
Unsupervised extraction of epidemic syndromes from participatory influenza surveillance self-reported symptoms
Kyriaki Kalimeri, Matteo Delfino, Ciro Cattuto, Daniela Perrotta, Vittoria Colizza, Caroline Guerrisi, Clément Turbelin, Jim Duggan, John W. Edmunds, Chinelo Obi, Richard Pebody, Ana O. Franco, Yamir Moreno, Sandro Meloni, Carl Koppeschaar, Charlotte Kjelsø, Ricardo Mexia, Daniela Paolotti
PLoS Computational Biology15(4), e1006173 (2019)
Global flu view: a platform to connect crowdsourced disease surveillance around the world
A. W. Crawley, Daniela Paolotti, Craig Dalton, John S. Brownstein, Marc S. Smolinski
International Journal of Infectious Diseases79(S1), 7 (2019)
How Search Engine Data Enhance the Understanding of Determinants of Suicide in India and Inform Prevention: Observational Study
Natalia Adler, Ciro Cattuto, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Stefaan G. Verhulst, Elad Yom-Tov, Andrew Young
Journal of Medical Internet Research21(1), e10179 (2019)
grippeNET App: Enhancing Participatory Influenza Monitoring Through Mobile Phone Sensors
Marco Hirsch, Olivia Woolley-Meza, Daniela Paolotti, Antoine Flahault, Paul Lukowicz
UbiComp '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers 833–841 (2018)
A Topological Data Analysis Approach to Influenza-Like-Illness
João Pita Costa, Primož Škraba, Daniela Paolotti, Ricardo Mexia
Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Epidemiology meets Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (epiDAMIK) (2018)
Self-Swabbing for Virological Confirmation of Influenza-Like Illness Among an Internet-Based Cohort in the UK During the 2014-2015 Flu Season: Pilot Study
Clare Wenham, Eleanor R. Gray, Candice E. Keane, Matthew Donati, Daniela Paolotti, Richard Pebody, Ellen Fragaszy, Rachel A. McKendry, John W. Edmunds
Journal of Medical Internet Research20(3), e71 (2018)
Combining Participatory Influenza Surveillance with Modeling and Forecasting: Three Alternative Approaches
John S. Brownstein, Chu Shuyu, Achla Marathe, Madhav V Marathe, Andre T Nguyen, Daniela Paolotti, Nicola Perra, Daniela Perrotta, Mauricio Santillana, Samarth Swarup, Michele Tizzoni, Alessandro Vespignani, Anil Kumar Vullikanti, Mandi L Wilson, Qian Zhang
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance3(4), e83 (2017)
Influenzanet: Citizens Among 10 Countries Collaborating to Monitor Influenza in Europe
Carl Koppeschaar, Vittoria Colizza, Caroline Guerrisi, Clément Turbelin, Jim Duggan, John W. Edmunds, Charlotte Kjelsø, Ricardo Mexia, Yamir Moreno, Sandro Meloni, Daniela Paolotti, Daniela Perrotta, Edward van Straten, Ana O. Franco
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance3(3), e66 (2017)
Forecasting Seasonal Influenza Fusing Digital Indicators and a Mechanistic Disease Model
Qian Zhang, Nicola Perra, Daniela Perrotta, Michele Tizzoni, Daniela Paolotti, Alessandro Vespignani
WWW '17: Proceeding of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW) 311-319 (2017)
Using Participatory Web-based Surveillance Data to Improve Seasonal Influenza Forecasting in Italy
Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Daniela Perrotta
Proceeding of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW) 303 (2017)
Participatory Online Surveillance as a Supplementary Tool to Sentinel Doctors for Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance in Italy
Daniela Perrotta, Antonino Bella, Caterina Rizzo, Daniela Paolotti
PLoS ONE12(1), e0169801 (2017)
Participatory Syndromic Surveillance of Influenza in Europe
Caroline Guerrisi, Clément Turbelin, Thierry Blanchon, Thomas Hanslik, Isabelle Bonmarin, Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, Daniela Perrotta, Daniela Paolotti, Ronald Smallenburg, Carl Koppeschaar, Ana O. Franco, Ricardo Mexia, John W. Edmunds, Bersabeh Sile, Richard Pebody, Edward van Straten, Sandro Meloni, Yamir Moreno, Jim Duggan, Charlotte Kjelsø, Vittoria Colizza
The Journal of Infectious Diseases214(4), S386-S392 (2016)
Estimate of Novel Influenza A/H1N1 cases in Mexico at the early stage of the pandemic with a spatially structured epidemic model
Alessandro Vespignani, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Paolo Bajardi, Vittoria Colizza, Chiara Poletto, Bruno Gonçalves, Wouter Van den Broeck, Nicola Perra, Duygu Balcan, H. Hu, José J. Ramasco
Public Library of Science Currents: Influenza.RRN1129, (2009)
Seasonal transmission potential and activity peaks of the new influenza A(H1N1): a Monte Carlo likelihood analysis based on human mobility
Alessandro Vespignani, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Paolo Bajardi, Vittoria Colizza, Chiara Poletto, Bruno Gonçalves, Wouter Van den Broeck, Nicola Perra, Duygu Balcan, H. Hu, José J. Ramasco
BMC Medicine7:45, (2009)
Supporting Epidemic Intelligence, Personalised and Public Health with advanced computational methods
João Pita Costa, Daniela Paolotti, Flavio Fuart, Primož Škraba, Evgenia Belayeva, Inna Novalija
Conference Paper: EM-Health Workshop-Zdravje Ljubljana (2015)
Social Data Mining and Seasonal Influenza Forecasts: The FluOutlook Platform
Qian Zhang, Corrado Gioannini, Daniela Paolotti, Nicola Perra, Daniela Perrotta, Marco Quaggiotto, Michele Tizzoni, Alessandro Vespignani
Springer, Cham9286, 237-240 (2015)
Ten-year performance of Influenzanet: ILI time series, risks, and vaccine effects in the Grote Griepmeting, Gripenet, and Influweb cohorts
Sander Van Noort, Cláudia T. Codeço, Carl Koppeschaar, Marc Van Ranst, Daniela Paolotti, Gabriela Gomes
Epidemics13, 28-36 (2015)
Association between Recruitment Methods and Attrition in Internet-Based Studies
Paolo Bajardi, Daniela Paolotti, Alessandro Vespignani, Ken T. D. Eames, Sebastian Funk, John W. Edmunds, Clément Turbelin, Marion Debin, Vittoria Colizza, Ronald Smallenburg, Carl Koppeschaar, Ana O. Franco, Vitor Faustino, Annasara Carnahan, Moa Rehn, Franco Merletti, Jeroen Douwes, Ridvan Firestone, Lorenzo Richiardi
PLoS ONE9(12), (2014)
Internet-Based Epidemiology
Lorenzo Richiardi, Costanza Pizzi, Daniela Paolotti
Handbook of Epidemiology 439-469 (2014)
The representativeness of a European multi-center network for influenza-like-illness participatory surveillance
Pietro Cantarelli, Marion Debin, Clément Turbelin, Chiara Poletto, Thierry Blanchon, Alessandra Falchi, Thomas Hanslik, Isabelle Bonmarin, Daniel Lévy-Bruhl, Alessandra Micheletti, Daniela Paolotti, Alessandro Vespignani, John W. Edmunds, Ken T. D. Eames, Ronald Smallenburg, Carl Koppeschaar, Ana O. Franco, Vitor Faustino, Annasara Carnahan, Moa Rehn, Vittoria Colizza
BMC Public Health14, 984 (2014)
Determinants of Follow-Up Participation in the Internet-Based European Influenza Surveillance Platform Influenzanet
Paolo Bajardi, Alessandro Vespignani, Sebastian Funk, Ken T. D. Eames, John W. Edmunds, Clément Turbelin, Marion Debin, Vittoria Colizza, Ronald Smallenburg, Carl Koppeschaar, Ana O. Franco, Vitor Faustino, Annasara Carnahan, Moa Rehn, Daniela Paolotti
Journal of Medical Internet Research16(3), e78 (2014)
Modeling the critical care demand and antibiotics resources needed during the Fall 2009 wave of influenza A(H1N1) pandemic
Alessandro Vespignani, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzoni, Paolo Bajardi, Vittoria Colizza, Chiara Poletto, Bruno Gonçalves, Wouter Van den Broeck, Nicola Perra, A.J. Valleron, C. Chouaid, Duygu Balcan, A.C. Singer, H. Hu, José J. Ramasco
PLoS Current Influenza1133, (2009)
Web-based participatory surveillance of infectious diseases: the Influenzanet participatory surveillance experience
Daniela Paolotti, Annasara Carnahan, Vittoria Colizza, Ken T. D. Eames, John W. Edmunds, Gabriela Gomes, Carl Koppeschaar, Moa Rehn, Ronald Smallenburg, Clément Turbelin, Sander Van Noort, Alessandro Vespignani
Clinical Microbiology and Infection20(1), 17-21 (2013)
On the usefulness of ontologies in epidemiology research and practice
João.D. Ferreira, Daniela Paolotti, Francisco M. Couto, Mário J. Silva
The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health67(5), 385-8 (2012)
Rapid assessment of influenza vaccine effectiveness: analysis of an internet-based cohort
Ken T. D. Eames, Ellen Brooks-Pollock, Daniela Paolotti, Marco Perosa, Corrado Gioannini, John W. Edmunds
Epidemiology and Infection140(7), 1309-1315 (2012)
Internet-based monitoring system for infuenza-like illness: H1N1 surveillance in Italy
Daniela Paolotti, Corrado Gioannini, Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Vespignani
Proceedings of eHealth 2010 Casablanca 13-15 December 2010 (2010)
Internet-based surveillance of Influenza-like-illness in the UK during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Natasha L. Tilston, Ken T. D. Eames, Daniela Paolotti, Toby Ealden, John W. Edmunds
BMC Public Health10, 650 (2010)
Single aminoacidic mutations in meningococcal antigen fHbp have sizeable and predictable impact on its immunogenicity
Daniela Paolotti, Duccio Medini, Marzia Monica Giuliani, Maurizio Comanducci, Maria Scarselli, Rino Rappouli, Antonello Covacci, Mariagrazia Pizza, Alessandro Muzzi, Davide Serruto, Brunella Brunelli
Proceedings of 17th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference (2010)
Modeling vaccination campaigns and the Fall/Winter 2009 activity of the new A(H1N1) influenza in the Northern Hemisphere
Paolo Bajardi, Chiara Poletto, Duygu Balcan, H. Hu, Bruno Gonçalves, José J. Ramasco, Daniela Paolotti, Nicola Perra, Michele Tizzoni, Wouter Van den Broeck, Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Vespignani
Emerging Health Threats Journal2(e11), (2009)
A statistical modelling approach for determining the cause of reported respiratory syndromes from internet-based participatory surveillance when influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 are co-circulating
Scott A. McDonald, Albert Jan van Hoek, Daniela Paolotti, Mariette Hooiveld, Adam Meijer, Marit de Lange, , Arianne van Gageldonk-Lafeber, Jacco Wallinga
PLOS Digital Health3(12), e0000655 (2024)
Modeling the interplay between disease spread, behaviors, and disease perception with a data-driven approach
Alessandro De Gaetano, Alain Barrat, Daniela Paolotti
Mathematical Biosciences378, 109337 (2024)
Integrated environmental and clinical surveillance for the prevention of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in indoor environments and vulnerable communities (Stell-ARI): Protocol
Annalaura Carducci, Guglielmo Arzilli, Nebiyu Tariku Atomsa, Giulia Lauretani, Marco Verani, Francesco Pistelli, Lara Tavoschi, Ileana Federigi, Marco Fornili, Davide Petri, Tommaso Lomonaco, Claudia Meschi, Alessandra Pagani, Antonello Agostini, Laura Carrozzi, Laura Baglietto, Daniela Paolotti, Ciro Cattuto, Lorenzo Dall'Amico, Caterina Rizzo
PLoS ONE19(9), e0309111 (2024)
Pregnancy and Infant PrEparedness pLatform IN Europe

Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics
AWaRe 1
A Global Low- and Middle-Income Country Primary Care (PC) Antimicrobial Stewardship Trial using the WHO AWaRe system

Influcast forecasts the evolution of influenza-like-illnesses by aggregating predictions from multiple models

European Respiratory Diseases Forecasting Hub (RespiCast)

Influenzanet & Influweb
Influenzanet is a system designed to monitor the activity of influenza-like-illness (ILI) with the aid of volunteers via the Internet.

Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications
Epidemic intelligence to minimize COVID-19’s public health, societal and economical impact.