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Filter By SubcategoryFilter By YearFracture roughness in three-dimensional beam lattice systems
Stefano Zapperi, P. Barai, S. Simunovic, Mikko J. Alava, P.K.V.V. Nukala
Physical Review E82, 026103 (2010)
Fluctuations and scaling in creep deformation
Mikko J. Alava, J. Rosti, J. Koivisto, Lasse Laurson
Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 100601 (2010)
Effect of Dipolar Interactions for Domain-Wall Dynamics in Magnetic Thin Films
Gianfranco Durin, Stefano Zapperi, A. Mughal, Lasse Laurson
IEEE Trans Magn.,46, 228-230 (2010)
Dynamical correlations near dislocation jamming
Toby Ealden, M.C. Miguel, Mikko J. Alava, Lasse Laurson
Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 015501 (2010)
Avalanches and clusters in planar crack front propagation
Stefano Zapperi, Stéphane Santucci, Lasse Laurson
Phys. Rev. E81, 046116 (2010)
Time Asymptotics and Entanglement Generation of Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata
Z. Zimboras, J. Gütschow, S. Uphoff, R.F. Werner
J. Math. Phys51, 015203, (2010)
The algebra of Grassmann canonical anticommutation relations and its applications to fermionic systems
M. Keyl, D. Schlingemann
J. Math. Phys.51,023522, (2010)
Microscopic description of 2D topological phases, duality and 3D state sums
Mario Rasetti, Annalisa Marzuoli, Z. Kadar
Advances in Mathematical Physics2010 ID 671039, (2010)
From brittle to ductile fracture in disordered materials
Stefano Zapperi, C.B. Picallo, J.M. Lopez, Mikko J. Alava
Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 155502, (2010)
Entanglement entropy in quantum spin chains with broken reflection symmetry
Z. Zimboras, Z. Kadar
Phys. Rev. A82, 032334 (2010)
Traffic in Social Media II: Modeling Bursty popularity
Alessandro Vespignani, Filippo Menczer, A Flammini, J. Ratkiewicz, Santo Fortunato
Social Computing (SocialCom), 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on 393 - 400 (2010)
The Live Social Semantics application: a platform for integrating face-to-face presence with on-line social networking
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Wouter Van den Broeck, G. Correndo, M. Szomszor, H. Alani
Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 226-231 (2010)
Semantics, Sensors, and the Social Web: The Live Social Semantics experiments
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Wouter Van den Broeck, M. Szomszor, H. Alani
Proceedings of the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC10 Lecture Notes in Computer Science6089, 196-210 (2010)
Link creation and profile alignment in the aNobii social network
Luca Maria Aiello, Alain Barrat, Ciro Cattuto, Giancarlo Ruffo, Rossano Schifanella
Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Social Computing SocialCom 2010, Minneapolis, USA, August 20-22, 2010 (2010)
Inference of direct residue contacts in two-component signaling
A. Procaccini, A. Hoch, H. Szurmant, T. Hwa, M. Weigt, B. Lunt
Methods Enzymol471, 17-41 (2010)
Computational modeling of phosphotransfer complexes in two-component signaling
A. Schug, A. Hoch, H. Szurmant, J.N. Onuchic, T. Hwa, M. Weigt
Methods Enzymol471, 43-58 (2010)
Characterizing the community structure of complex networks
A Lancichinetti, Mikko Kivelä, , Santo Fortunato
PLoS Onee11976, (2010)
Characterizing and modeling the dynamics of online popularity
Alessandro Vespignani, Filippo Menczer, A Flammini, J. Ratkiewicz, Santo Fortunato
Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 158701 (2010)
Aligning graphs and finding substructures by message passing
Francesca Tria, A. Braunstein, S. Bradde, H. Mahmoudi, R. Zecchina, M. Weigt
Europhys. Lett89, 37009 (2010)
Wearable sensor networks for measuring face-to-face contact patterns in healthcare settings
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Vittoria Colizza, Caterina Rizzo, Wouter Van den Broeck, Lorenzo Isella, Alberto Eugenio Tozzi
Proceedings of the eHealth 2010 Conference Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering69, 192-195 (2012)
Statistical significance of communities in networks
A Lancichinetti, Flippo Radicchi, José J. Ramasco
Phys. Rev. E81, 046110 (2010)
Social dynamics in conferences: analyses of data from the Live Social Semantics application
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Wouter Van den Broeck, M. Szomszor, H. Alani
The Semantic Web – ISWC 2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science6497, 17-33 (2010)