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Stefano Zapperi, N. Manini, M. Urbakh, E. Tosatti, A. Vanossi
Rev. Mod. Phys.85, 529–552 (2013)
Human breast and melanoma cancer stem cells biomarkers
Stefano Zapperi, Caterina A. M. La Porta
Cancer Letters338(1), 69-73 (2013)
Growth and form of melanoma cell colonies
Stefano Zapperi, M. M. Baraldi, A. A. Alemi, S. Caracciolo, J. P. Sethna, Caterina A. M. La Porta
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P02032 (2013)
Avalanche localization and crossover scaling in amorphous plasticity
Stefano Zapperi, Zoe Budrikis
Phys. Rev. E88, 062403 (2013)
A numerical approach to incorporate intrinsic material defects in micromagnetic simulations
Gianfranco Durin, Jonathan Leliaert, Luc Dupré, Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Ben Van de Wiele, Lasse Laurson, Arne Vansteenkiste
Journal of Applied Physics115, 17D102 (2014)
Modeling urban housing market dynamics: can the socio-spatial segregation preserve some social diversity
Laetitia Gauvin, A. Vignes, J.P. Nadal
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control37, 1300-1321 (2013)
From Damage Percolation to Crack Nucleation Through Finite Size Criticality
Stefano Zapperi, F Ricchiuti, A. Shenkhawat, J. P. Sethna
Phys. Rev. Lett.110, 185505 (2013)
Emergent patterns of localized damage as a precursor to catastrophic failure in a random fuse network
Stefano Zapperi, I. G. Main, M Zaiser, S. Lennartz-Sassinek, C. Manzato
Phys. Rev. E87, 042811 (2013)
Cohesion, consensus and extreme information in opinion dynamics
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, Alina Sîrbu, Vito D. P. Servedio
Advances in Complex Systems16, 1350035 Online Ready (2013)
Awareness and learning in participatory noise sensing
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, Alina Sîrbu, M. Becker, D. Fiorella, D. Francis, M. Haklay, J Mueller, F Ricchiuti, Vito D. P. Servedio, Pietro Gravino, A. Hotho, Lara Chris Caminiti
PLoS ONE8(12), e81638 (2013)
Metapopulation epidemic models with heterogeneous mixing and travel behaviour
Vittoria Colizza, Chiara Poletto, Pablo Jensen, José J. Ramasco, Andrea Apolloni
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling11,3, (2014)
Web-based participatory surveillance of infectious diseases: the Influenzanet participatory surveillance experience
Alessandro Vespignani, Daniela Paolotti, John W. Edmunds, Vittoria Colizza, AnnaSara Carnahan, Carl Koppeschaar, Moa Rehn, Ronald Smallenburg, S. Van Noort, G. Gomes, Clément Turbelin, K.T.D. Eames
Clinical Microbiology and Infection20, 17-21 (2014)
The Twitter of Babel: Mapping World Languages through Microblogging Platforms
Alessandro Vespignani, Bruno Gonçalves, Qian Zhang, Delia Mocanu, Nicola Perra, Andrea Baronchelli
PLoS ONE8, (4) (2013)
Modeling Users’ Activity on Twitter Networks: Validation of Dunbar’s Number
Alessandro Vespignani, Bruno Gonçalves, Nicola Perra
PLoS ONE6 (8), e22656 (2011)
Human mobility and the worldwide impact of intentional localized highly pathogenic virus release
Alessandro Vespignani, Bruno Gonçalves, Duygu Balcan
Scientific Reports 3810, (2013)
Dislocation jamming and Andrade creep
Alessandro Vespignani, Stefano Zapperi, M Zaiser, M.C. Miguel, J.M. Lopez
APS (2010)
Containing the accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic influenza viruses
Alessandro Vespignani, Laura Fumanelli, Stefano Merler
BMC Medicine11(1), 252 (2013)
Complex networks: The fragility of interdependency
Nature464 (7291), 984-985 (2010)
Complex networks: Patterns of complexity
Alessandro Vespignani, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras
Nature Physics6-7, 480-481 (2010)
Beating the news using social media: the case study of American Idol
Alessandro Vespignani, Bruno Gonçalves, Fabio Ciulla, Delia Mocanu, Nicola Perra, Andrea Baronchelli
EPJ Data Science1 (1), 1-11 (2012)
Mathematical formulation of multi-layer networks
Yamir Moreno, Manlio De Domenico, Albert Solé-Ribalta, Emanuele Cozzo, Mason A. Porter, Mikko Kivelä, S. Gomez, Alex Arenas
Phys. Rev. X3, 041022 (2013)
Immunization strategies for epidemic processes in time-varying contact networks
Michele Starnini, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Tristan Picard, Anna Machens
Journal of Theoretical Biology337, 89–100 (2013)
Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling
Yamir Moreno, R. Gutiérrez, R. Sevilla-Escoboza, Pablo Piedrahita, C. Finke, U. Feudel, J. M. Buldú, G. Huerta-Cuellar, Stefano Boccaletti, R. Jaimes-Reátegui
Phys. Rev. E88, 052908 (2013)
Gender homophily from spatial behavior in a primary school: A sociometric study
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, François Charbonnier, Tristan Picard, Juliette Stehlé
Social Networks35,4, Pages 604–613 (2013)