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Filter By SubcategoryFilter By YearThe discrimination problem for two ground states or two thermal states of the quantum Ising model
C. Invernizzi, M.G.A Paris
J. Mod. Opt.57, Issue 3, 198-206 (2010)
Quality functions in community detection
Santo Fortunato
Proc. SPIE 6601, Noise and Stochastics in Complex Systems and Finance660108, (2009)
Properties and evolution of internet traffic networks from anonymized flow data
Alessandro Vespignani, Filippo Menczer, M.R. Meiss
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology10, 4, 15 (2011)
Predicting the behavior of tecno-social systems
Science325, 5939, 425-428 (2009)
Benchmark for testing community detection algorithms on directed and weighted graphs with overlapping communities
A Lancichinetti, Santo Fortunato
Phys. Rev. E80, 016118 (2009)
Age-specific contacts and travel patterns in the spatial spread of 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Vittoria Colizza, Chiara Poletto, Andrea Apolloni
BMC Infectious Diseases13:176, (2013)
A presentation of general multipersistence modules computable in polynomial time
Francesco Vaccarino, A. Patriarca, Martina Scolamiero
A fast noise reduction driven distance-based phylogenetic algorithm
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, E. Caglioti, Simone Pompei
Proceedings of BIOCOMP2010B 375-380 (2010)
Spectral problem for quasi-uniform nearest-neighbor chains
R. Vaia, M. Paternostro, Leonardo Banchi
J. Math. Phys.54, 043501 (2013)
Measuring contact patterns with wearable sensors: methods, data characteristics and applications to data‐driven simulations of infectious diseases
Ciro Cattuto, Alain Barrat, Philippe Vanhems, Alberto Eugenio Tozzi, N. Voirin
Clinical Microbiology and Infection20 (1), 10-16 (2014)
Entanglement-induced invariance in bilinear interactions
S. Olivares, M.G.A Paris
Phys. Rev. A80, 032329 (2009)
Effective cutting of a quantum spin chain by bond impurities
T. J. G. Apollaro, F. Plastina, A. Cuccoli, R. Vaia, P. Verrucchi, M. Paternostro, Leonardo Banchi
Phys. Rev. A88, 052336 (2013)
An analytical continuation approach for evaluating emission lineshapes of molecular aggregates and the adequacy of multichromophoric Förster theory
Leonardo Banchi, Gianluca Costagliola, Akihito Ishizaki, P. Giorda
J. Chem. Phys.138, 184107 (2013)
XTribe: A web-based social computation platform
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, Alina Sîrbu, Saverio Caminiti, C Cicali, Vito D. P. Servedio, Pietro Gravino
IEEE Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, Karlsruhe, Germany 397-403 (2013)
Time varying networks and the weakness of strong ties
Márton Karsai, Nicola Perra, Alessandro Vespignani
Scientific Reports4, 4001 (2014)
Stochastic Local Search algorithm for distance-based phylogeny reconstruction
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, E. Caglioti, A. Pagnani
Mol Biol Evol27, 2587-2595 (2010)
Distance-based Phylogenetic algorithms: new insights and applications
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, E. Caglioti, Simone Pompei
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.20, 1511-1532 (2010)
A stochastic local search approach to language trees reconstruction
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, E. Caglioti, A. Pagnani
Diachronica - Special issue: Quantitative Approaches to Linguistic Diversity: Commemorating the centenary of the birth of Morris Swadesh.46, 155 (2012)
Emergence of fast agreement in an overhearing population: The case of the naming game
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, Suman Kalyan Maity, A. Mukherjee
EPL101,6, (2013)
Dynamical correlations in the escape strategy of Influenza A virus
Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, L. Taggi, Francesca Colaiori
EPL101,6, (2013)
Universal properties of magnetization dynamics in polycrystalline ferromagnetic films
Gianfranco Durin, Marcio Assolin Corrêa, Alexandre Da Cas Viegas, Felipe Bohn, Rubem Luis Sommer, S. Papanikoloau
Phys. Rev. E88, 032811 (2013)
The role of disorder in the domain wall dynamics of magnetic nanostrips
Gianfranco Durin, S. Caracciolo, Ben Van de Wiele, Lasse Laurson
The European Physical Journal B 86:86 (2013)
Role of the sample thickness in planar crack propagation
Stefano Zapperi, P. Barai, Mikko J. Alava, P.K.V.V. Nukala
Phys. Rev. E88, 042411 (2013)