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Effects of network structure, competition and memory time on social spreading phenomena

Yamir Moreno, James P. Gleeson, James P. O’Sullivan,, Raquel A. Baños
Phys. Rev. X6, 021019, (2016)

Local magnetic behavior across the first order phase transition in La(Fe0.9Co0.015Si0.085)13 magneto caloric compound

Gianfranco Durin, F. Laviano, V. Basso, C. Bennatia, E.S. Olivetti, G. Ghigoa, M Kuepferling
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials400, 339-343 (2016)

Creep turns linear in narrow ferromagnetic nanostrips

Gianfranco Durin, J. Leliaert, A. Vansteenkiste, L. Dupré, B. Van Waeyenberge, B. Van de Wiele, L. Laurson
Scientific Reports6, 20472 (2016)

Centrality Measures on Big Graphs: Exact, Approximated, and Distributed Algorithms

Francesco Bonchi, Matteo Riondato, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales
Proceedings of the 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2016) CACM April 11-15, 2016, Montreal, Canada. (2016)

The dynamics of information-driven coordination phenomena: A transfer entropy analysis

Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Nicola Perra, Bruno Gonçalves, Sandra González-Bailón, Alex Arenas, Yamir Moreno, Alessandro Vespignani
Science Advances2(4), (2016)

Analytical Modeling of Domain Wall Motion in PMA Materials under Spin Hall Effect and in-Plane Fields

Claudio Serpico, Simone Moretti, Gianfranco Durin, S. Ali Nasseri, Eduardo Martinez
Nanomagnetism and Spintronics Symposium, Advances in Magnetics (AIM) 2016, Bormio (2016)

On the Emergence of Syntactic Structures: Quantifying and Modeling Duality of Patterning

Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, V.D.P. Servedio, Pietro Gravino
New Frontiers in Language Evolution and Development (2016)

Multilayer Networks: Metrics and Spectral Properties

Yamir Moreno, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Emanuele Cozzo
Interconnected Networks 17-35 (2016)

On the impact of masking and blocking hypotheses for measuring the efficacy of new tuberculosis vaccines.

Yamir Moreno, Dessislava Marinova, Carlos Martin, Sergio Arregui, Joaquín Sanz
Peer J.11;4:e1513, (2016)

Individual privacy in social influence networks

Francesco Bonchi, Sara Hajian, Tamir Tassa
Social Network Analysis and Mining6:2, (2016)

Thermal effects on transverse domain wall dynamics in magnetic nanowires

Gianfranco Durin, J. Vandermeulen, A Coene, J. Leliaert, A. Vansteenkiste, L. Dupré, B. Van Waeyenberge, B. Van de Wiele, L. Laurson
Applied Physics Letters106, 20, (2015)

The role of pressure in cancer growth

Stefano Zapperi, Martine Ben Amar, A. Taloni, C.A.M. La Porta
Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130:224 (2015)

Temperature-Dependent Adhesion of Graphene Suspended on a Trench

Stefano Zapperi, Zoe Budrikis
Nano Lett. (2015)

Crossover behavior in interface depinning

Stefano Zapperi, J. P. Sethna, Y.-J. Chen
Phys. Rev. E92, 022146 (2015)

Analytical Modelling of Magnetic DW Motion

Claudio Serpico, Bhaskarjyoti Sarma, Gianfranco Durin, S. Ali Nasseri
Physics Procedia75, 974–985 (2015)

Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative

Vittorio Loreto, Francesca Tria, Alina Sirbu, G. Stumme, Joris Van den Bossche, Stefano Ingarra, Fabio Saracino, Jan Peters, Jan Theunis, Bernard De Baets, Bart Elen, Louise Francis, Andrea Molino, M. Becker, J Mueller, F Ricchiuti, S. Caminiti, V.D.P. Servedio, Pietro Gravino, A. Hotho
PLOS one10(08), (2015)

Epidemic processes in complex networks

Alessandro Vespignani, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Piet Van Mieghem, Claudio Castellano
Rev. Mod. Phys.87, 3, (2015)

Local Optimization Strategies in Urban Vehicular Mobility

Vittorio Loreto, Bernardo Monechi, Pierpaolo Mastroianni, Carlo Liberto, Gaetano Valenti, V.D.P. Servedio
PLoS ONE10, (12): e0143799 (2015)

Deformation and failure of curved colloidal crystal shells

Stefano Zapperi, Carlotta Negri, A Sellerio, M.C. Miguel
PNAS (2015)