Publications Archive

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Falling into the Echo Chamber: The Italian Vaccination Debate on Twitter

Alessandro Cossard, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Yelena Mejova, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Starnini
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media14(1), 130-140 (2020)

FaiRecSys: mitigating algorithmic bias in recommender systems

Bora Edizel, Francesco Bonchi, Sara Hajian, André Panisson, Tamir Tassa
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics9, 197–213 (2020)

Fair-by-design matching

David García-Soriano, Francesco Bonchi
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery34, 1291–1335 (2020)

Facebook Ads: Politics of Migration in Italy

Arthur Capozzi, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Yelena Mejova, Corrado Monti, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti
Proceeding SocInfo 2020: Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series12467, 43-57 (2020)

Facebook Ads as a Demographic Tool to Measure the Urban-Rural Divide

Daniele Rama, Yelena Mejova, Michele Tizzoni, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Ingmar Weber
WWW '20: Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 327-338 (2020)

Extracting the multimodal fingerprint of urban transportation networks

Luis Guillermo Natera Orozco, Federico Battiston, Gerardo Iñiguez, Michael Szell
Findings13171, (2020)

Explainable Classification of Brain Networks via Contrast Subgraphs

Tommaso Lanciano, Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (KDD 2020) ACM, August 23-27, 2020, San Diego, CA, USA (2020)

Explainability Methods for Natural Language Processing: Applications to Sentiment Analysis

Francesco Bodria, André Panisson, Alan Perotti, Simone Piaggesi
Proceedings of the 28th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD 2020) (2020)

Experimental self-characterization of quantum measurements

Aonan Zhang, Jie Xie, Huichao Xu, Kaimin Zheng, Han Zhang, Yiu-Tung Poon, Vlatko Vedral, Lijian Zhang
Physical Review Letters124, 4, 040402 (2020)

Evolving epidemiology and transmission dynamics of coronavirus disease 2019 outside Hubei province, China: a descriptive and modelling study

Juanjuan Zhang, Maria Litvinova, Wei Wang, Yan Wang, Xiaowei Deng, Xinghui Chen, Mei Li, Wen Zheng, Lan Yi, Xinhua Chen, Qianhui Wu, Yuxia Liang, Xiling Wang, Juan Yang, Kaiyuan Sun, Ira M. Longini Jr, M. Elizabeth Halloran, Peng Wu, Benjamin J. Cowling, Stefano Merler, Marco Ajelli, Hongjie Yu
The Lancet Infectious Diseases20(7), 793-802 (2020)

Effect of network topology and node centrality on trading

Felipe Cardoso-Maciel, Carlos Gracia-Lázaro, Frederic Moisan, Sanjeev Goyal, Angel Sánchez, Yamir Moreno
Scientific Reports10, 11113 (2020)

Effect of memory, intolerance, and second-order reputation on cooperation

Chengyi Xia, Carlos Gracia-Lázaro, Yamir Moreno
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science30, 6, 063122 (2020)

Early Insights from Statistical and Mathematical Modeling of Key Epidemiologic Parameters of COVID-19

Matthew Biggerstaff, Benjamin J. Cowling, Zulma M. Cucunubá, Linh Dinh, Neil M. Ferguson, Huizhi Gao, Verity Hill, Natsuko Imai, Michael A. Johansson, Sarah Kada, Oliver Morgan, Ana Pastore Y Piontti, Jonathan A. Polonsky, Pragati Venkata Prasad, Talia M. Quandelacy, Andrew Rambaut, Jordan W. Tappero, Katelijn A. Vandemaele, Alessandro Vespignani, K. Lane Warmbrod, Jessica Y. Wong
Emerging Infectious Diseases26(11), e201074 (2020)

Dynamics of heuristics selection for cooperative behaviour

Felipe Cardoso-Maciel, Carlos Gracia-Lázaro, Yamir Moreno
New Journal of Physics22, 123037 (2020)

Doctor XAI: An ontology-based approach to black-box sequential data classification explanations

Cecilia Panigutti, Alan Perotti, Dino Pedreschi
FAT* '20: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 629–639 (2020)

Disease and information spreading at different speeds in multiplex networks

Fátima Velásquez-Rojas, Paulo Cesar Ventura, Colm Connaughton, Yamir Moreno, Francisco Aparecido Rodrigues, Federico Vazquez
Physical Review E102(2), 022312 (2020)

Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems

Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli, Quan-Hui Liu, Mary G. Krauland, John J. Grefenstette, Willem G. Van Panhuis, Alessandro Vespignani, John M. Drake, Pejman Rohani
Plos Computational Biology16(3), e1007679 (2020)

Data-driven strategies for optimal bicycle network growth

Luis Guillermo Natera Orozco, Federico Battiston, Gerardo Iñiguez, Michael Szell
Royal Society Open Science7, 201130 (2020)

Data-driven contact structures: From homogeneous mixing to multilayer networks

Alberto Aleta, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Yamir Moreno
Plos Computational Biology16(7), e1008035 (2020)

Cyber Social Threats 2020 Workshop Meta-Report: COVID-19, Challenges, Methodological and Ethical Considerations

Ugur Kursuncu, Yelena Mejova, Jeremy Blackburn, Amit Sheth
Workshop Proceedings of the 14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (2020)

Crowding and the shape of COVID-19 epidemics

Benjamin Rader, Samuel V. Scarpino, Anjalika Nande, Alison L. Hill, Ben Adlam, Robert C. Reiner, David M. Pigott, Bernardo Gutierrez, Alexander E. Zarebski, Munik Shrestha, John S. Brownstein, Marcia C. Castro, Christopher Dye, Huaiyu Tian, Oliver G. Pybus, Moritz U. G. Kraemer
Nature Medicine26, 1829–1834 (2020)

COVID-19 outbreak response, a dataset to assess mobility changes in Italy following national lockdown

Emanuele Pepe, Paolo Bajardi, Laetitia Gauvin, Filippo Privitera, Brennan Lake, Ciro Cattuto, Michele Tizzoni
Scientific Data7, 230 (2020)